Every individual possesses distinguishing qualities that are exclusive to them and nobody else. Our biometrics consist of things like our voice, fingerprints, and facial patterns.
The method of identifying people using these distinctive traits is known as biometric verification or in some cases where facial biometrics are used, it is called Face Match. In a digital setting, Face Match Online aids in addressing the “who are you?” question. Then, the individual has access to the systems, devices, or services they desire.
A more secure method of confirming your identification is using eKYC Biometric Verification. These procedures entail the use of the user’s physical presence to access their accounts, and they include document verification or ID verification, face trace, and liveness detection.
A biometric selfie is one more method some businesses employ to confirm customer identity and demonstrate that they are not a robot or shams.
Why do you need Biometric Verification?
Three things should be proven using biometric verification:
- that the identity document given matches the biometric data presented
- that a real individual is presenting the biometric data
- that real-time presentation of the biometric data
The digital onboarding of an online user is significantly dependent on that person being the proper person, a real person, and finishing the procedure right away. If fraudsters using stolen or fraudulent identities are not discovered at the onboarding stage, they can cause a lot of harm. Let us look at a few steps of biometric verification
- The first step makes sure the biometric information corresponds to an actual, confirmed identity. Typically, this is done by comparing the provided biometric to public data and utilising a reliable form of identification, such as a passport or driver’s licence. A government-Database identification must also match for biometric verification to be successful; it cannot merely be two pieces of data matching each other.
- Liveness Detection solutions help ensure that the face displayed during the onboarding or authentication process is displayed at that moment. This technology uses passive or active liveness detection to detect spoofing that uses digitally injected media, or other identity fraud practices that make use of synthetic media like deepfakes, where a con artist fabricates a person or takes a real person’s photo and adds animation to it.
- Document Verification ensures that the identity document is not tampered with and is readable with clears signs and stamps that can be verified with a source. The checks use sophisticated algorithms and AI to detect photoshop, photo manipulation or any such attempts of faking the ID information.
Once you have all three, the identity verification is complete with biometrics, Digital Customer onboarding is said to be complete securely and safely. Organizational regulatory processes like Know Your Customer (KYC) and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) compliance frequently use biometric verification. According to these requirements, businesses must be able to demonstrate that they have confirmed the identity of their customers and evaluated the risks associated with doing business with them.
During eKYC Verification, biometric verification replaces time-consuming manual procedures like document scanning and signature. There is no need to travel and personally verify your identification. With the use of biometric verification, your users may easily and from any location confirm their identity.
Scammers and fraudsters can misuse your online services if you don’t have the protection that biometric verification offers during onboarding. One analysis from 2021 discovered that one in seven new accounts was being opened fraudulently, while another revealed that identity theft in the US increased by 72% between 2018 and 2019.
Biometric Verification protects against:
- Financial harm brought on by bogus or fraudulent applications
- additional costs brought on by dishonest clients, the price of human verification, being overrun by numerous false applications
- negative reputation if your onboarding procedure isn’t secure, allowing fraud attempts and criminal actors to operate.
- Financial sanctions imposed by authorities
Why use Biometric Verification?
According to an IBM study, 87% of firms plan to use biometric identification in the future. While 92% of companies consider biometric authentication to be “effective” or “very effective” for protecting identity data.
In a digital world, Biometrics gives greater assurance that a person is who they say they are in a digital environment than traditional methods of verification such as usernames and passwords. Biometrics are a secure and straightforward method of verifying and authenticating consumer identities during onboarding, verification, and authentication.
Biometrics are also thought to be significantly more secure than conventional forms of identification. Traditional techniques of verification are frequently less secure and more cumbersome. For example, social network log-ins are regarded as low security, passwords are likewise considered low security and are simple for consumers to forget, and knowledge-based questions provide slightly better security but are laborious and difficult for customers to remember.
Biometrics, on the other hand, are difficult to reproduce, fake, or steal since they are unique to the individual. They are also simple for consumers to use—you can’t forget or lose them since they are you.
Finally, biometrics make it easier for users to authenticate their identities than even the latest technologies like Two Factor Authentication. When opening a bank account, for example, consumers used to have to physically visit the bank location to show their ID. Most individuals, however, find it more convenient to sign up for services from the comfort of their own homes. In-person verification is also not scalable for enterprises. By introducing Face Match biometrics into their operations, businesses may enrol more consumers more efficiently and securely.
How IDcentral uses Biometric Verification
Face Trace
Using a picture ID plus a selfie or video, a user may link their physical identity to a digital account during sign-up with IDcentral’s solution. First, a user takes a photo of their identity document, which our AI systems examine for fraud. The user will then upload a selfie or a video, which will be compared to the photo on the identity document.
Face Match
Our technology analyses the identity document’s face to the selfie and provides a similarity score. This ensures that the person providing the ID is the same as the person who holds the ID, preventing stolen IDs.
The selfie is also checked for irregular texture, which guards against fraud. It detects photos of photos, or photos of screens, which a fraudster may have tried to pass off as a selfie.
Video KYC
A video check requires the user to take a short video on their phone. Using motion and texture analysis we determine that the person is present and not using a mask or prerecorded video and that they are the same person as the one submitting the ID.
Video adds an extra layer of protection from additional and more sophisticated fraud attacks, such as spoof selfies, deep fake videos, and 2D and 3D masks.
IDcentral’s Video KYC also contains powerful Liveness Detection algorithms that confirm the presence of a human. Passive liveness detection verifies user existence without requiring the client to take any activities or say any words. Active liveness detection validates a user’s presence by requiring him to complete a unique task, which is then analysed by AI to determine if the movement was correct.
Try IDcentral’s eKYC Verification solution with Integrated Biometric Verification

Sumanth Kumar is a Marketing Associate at IDcentral (A Subex Company). With hands-on experience with all of IDcentral’s KYC and Onboarding Technology, he loves to create indispensable digital content about the trends in User Onboarding across multiple industries.