Document Verification

Why Passport Verification is key to Secure Housing & other Industries


Passport verification is a process that is used to confirm a person’s identity using their passport as proof of identification. In the housing industry, this process is commonly used to verify the identity of prospective tenants or buyers before they are allowed to rent or purchase a property. This is often done as part of the overall background check process to ensure that the person is who they claim to be and to protect against fraud or other illegal activities. Passport verification can also be used to confirm the individual’s right to live or work in a particular country, depending on the specific requirements of the housing company or property owner.

From property management companies to vacation rental providers, it helps to protect both the renters and the property owners against fraud and identity theft. By verifying the identity of prospective tenants, housing providers can ensure that they are providing a safe and secure environment for their occupants. In this article, we will discuss the use cases of passport verification in the housing industry and how it can help protect both the renters and the property owners.

Passport Verification for Rental Property Management & Booking Platforms

Passport verification is an essential tool for housing providers, as it helps to protect against fraud and identity theft. Such an Identity Verification process is done by verifying the passport details with the provided information of the tenant, such as name, address, date of birth, and other personal information. Passport verification also helps protect the property owner’s assets, as it can help to reduce the risks of property damage and vandalism.

There are several ways in which passport verification can be used in the housing industry. For example, it can be used to verify the identity of a tenant before they move in. It can also be used to verify the identity of a tenant before they sign a lease agreement. Additionally, passport verification can be used to verify the identity of a tenant before they are allowed to access the property. This is especially important for vacation rental providers, as it helps to ensure that the tenant is who they say they are.

Passport verification can also be used to verify the identity of a tenant before they are allowed to use rental property management software or application platform. This is important as it helps to ensure that the tenant is who they say they are and that they are not using the platform to commit fraud or identity theft. Additionally, the passport verification process can also verify the identity of a tenant when they are signing a lease agreement. This helps to ensure that the tenant is verified of his citizenship and that they are legally able to sign the agreement.

Passport verification APIs like IDcentral’s can verify the passport document using OCR(Optical Character Recognition) on the MRZ (Machine-Readable Zone). This is a technology that scans a passport or other government-issued document and uses precise computer vision algorithms to extract the relevant data from it. This data can then be used to verify the identity of the holder of the passport or document. The MRZ code OCR technology is especially useful for housing providers, as it allows them to quickly and accurately verify the identity of prospective tenants.

To verify the identity of a tenant using an MRZ code OCR, the housing provider must first collect the necessary data from the tenant. This includes their name, date of birth, and other personal information. The housing provider can then use the MRZ code OCR technology to scan the document and extract the relevant data, which can then be compared to the information provided by the tenant to ensure that it matches. If the data matches, the tenant’s identity has been verified.

If you are looking for a reliable passport verification solution with AI-based technology and OCR capabilities, then try IDcentral. IDcentral provides an easy-to-use and secure solution for verifying the identity of tenants as well as tourists being onboarded into hotels or booked in to any form of services. It helps to protect both the renters and the property owners against fraud and identity theft, making it a must-have for any housing provider. The enabled digital onboarding capabilities with using such a solution help keep rental and booking platforms safe from spam sign-ups and prevent fraud.

Try IDcentral’s Passport verification & ID verification solution with AI enabled OCR & Face Biometrics

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